
Wednesday, 30 January 2019

Eat Stop Eat vs LeanGains: Fasting Challenge Accepted

I've taken on the challenge with a fellow blogger at Operation Find my Abs.

She too is on the question to lose weight, and she follows the 8/16 hour window of fasting.

From what I've learnt, that's the LeanGains approach. It requires more strict focus on calorie counting and macro ratios adjusted depending on workout and non workout days.

The eat stop eat approach that I hope to follow is more flexible and math free. Eat and fast. It's as simple as that.

Eat in moderation of course. I know this because I purchased the book and gave it a good read. You guys should try it out too if any is interested in intermittent fasting.

I hope this with the combination of a good cardio workout and a fitness routine, helps me get to my target goal. Wish me luck!

Here's a video of a dude explaining ESE vs Leangains Fasting Protocol

Sunday, 27 January 2019

Intermittent Fasting - Will it work for me?

Food is a very important part of my life. Without the joy of food, I don't know what the purpose of my life would be other than family.

Yet, food is the reason I have to spend more on workouts, equipment and programs to lose the weight I gain FROM FOOD.

This thought process has put a lot of things into perspective for me.
It's a choice that I have accepted for myself. I eat, and I burn.

Yet, I recently came across an interesting article about intermittent fasting lifestyle. You deprive yourself of food for a certain period of time to let your body start pulling fat that is stored inside the body. Here's the link if you want to read further: Eat Stop Eat Review - Frequently Asked Questions

Then you enjoy the food for the rest of the given hours.

I was confused on the many different approaches to intermittent fasting, the most popular being LeanGains and Eat Stop Eat.

LeanGains vs Eat Stop Eat

LeanGains looked extremely promising, with all the before & after photos of sooo many individuals. It's very motivational to see those success stories and visualize the same for yourself, but I don't see it fitting my lifestyle.

I have always hated watching what I eat. I can control in moderation but counting calories and watching the macros - protein, carbs & fat?

Not my cup of tea. Very sorry.

Eat Stop Eat on the other hand is a very carefree approach. Brad Pilon builds it upto be like going to Disneyland. He claims not to over complicate anything and just get on with the fasting lifestyle.

Perform 24 hour fasts, once or twice a week and you are golden. OF course, you have to moderate yourself the rest of the days but still, it looks more relaxed and family friendly compared to LeanGains.

I guess LeanGains would be the best bet for someone looking to lose weight for professional purposes, like Bodybuilding, Acting, Modelling etc... It's the life that fits the lifestyle.

So, here I am, going to start my quest to lose weight with intermittent fasting. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Starting a Suspension Training TRX Workout

Of course TRX is too expensive, but I have always loved working out from home. With my age, my joints are not friendly when it comes to heavy weight presses and pushups.

I have always wondered how the TRX is going to be. It always looked like a FAD, but it doesn't seem to be going away.

I found a cheap suspension trainer at Amazon. I got a recommendation from the video below:

And got a free workout routine at:

I will keep you posted on my results.

Cheers to all.

Tuesday, 22 January 2019

How to Do Cardio at Home

Two important updates:

I got a set of hanging ab straps after finding a recommend option here: Best Hanging Ab Straps – Top 2 Recommendations

Secondly, I always wondered what could replace the all famous hill sprints and basic sprints when it comes to high intensity cardio.

Then I found an article online: "Get a Good Cardio Workout at Home – Best 3 Alternatives to Slow Cardio"

I was total inspired. It gave me a few ideas, so I decided to put out my sample cardio exercise routines I'm going to try out at home without getting out for the usual run.

How to do cardio at home with Tabata

As the article suggests, you choose to 2 to 3 dynamic movements and perform each at high intensity for 20 seconds with a rest period of 10 seconds. This has to be done for a total of 8 rounds.

That is a total of 4 minutes.

WHAT? 4 minutes and cardio complete?

Not exactly. I did more reading, and here's what I understood from the 4 minute concept.

4 minutes can only replace 60 minute cardio if done at maximum intensity. You can be slow or lazy. You have to give it your best. The exercises you choose should help you perform at your maximum lung capacity.

Here's my recommendations with this regard:

Total body extensions
Box jumps
Running in place

I decided to make it more interesting by performing each exercise for 4 rounds. Thats a total of 12 rounds (6 minutes protocol)

I've never felt more alive - literally veins popping out of my forehead! Where has this been all my life?

"Feeling outdated" :(

How to do cardio at home with MRT

MRT, also known as Metabolic resistance training is basically bodyweight circuits done in a format that blows your lungs away.

Here's a great MRT type workout I found online. I am going to share this with a lint to the respective site owner to keep things fair.

Repeat this circuit for a total of 2 to 3 rounds and you will be totally wiped. It should be done fast enough to not feel like a replacement for your existing workout.

It can be done in a slow and controlled fashion for 2 to 3 rounds to replace your existing workout as well.

That's how effective MRT training can be. It's not just your every day replacement to get a good cardio workout at home - it can be THE entire workout by itself.

I like to make things spicy, so I'm going to add a small set of hanging leg raises to end each workout with. Why you ask? I'm just so excited with the new & hang ab straps I got last week and summer is almost here - THAT's WHY! 

See you soon, hope you enjoyed this article on getting a good cardio workout done at home.
Share your thoughts.