
Wednesday, 13 February 2019

5 Movements / Exercises to Have the Best Workout

If I had to choose 3 to 5 exercises to burn fat, build muscle or lose weight, I would stick with the following:

1. Squat
2. Push
3. Pull
4. Single Leg
5. Core

These 5 exercises make the best combo for a fat burning program. There are many different variations of squats, push, pull, lunge movements etc... It's upto us to get the best results out of it.

You could perform this in a circuit fashion, straight sets, super sets, ladder sets or any other combo you see fit. It's always the ones who stick with the workout and diet for more than a month who actually see results.

Are you one of the losers or winners?

You do not have to go extreme, it's wise to start with baby steps to make sure you gradually adapt to the lifestyle your body needs, without challenging the lifestyle your brain and mind is used to.

Here's an interesting article on fat burning workouts you can do at home without equipment - see if it intrigues you. I've added 2 more movements to the mix, but that article clearly explains what I'm trying to get at.

My favorite routine as of late

Barbell Squats (12,10, 8 reps)
Incline Press (12,10, 8 reps)
Dumbbell Rows (12, 10, 8 reps)
Barbell Split Squats (12, 10, 8 reps)
Hanging Knee Raises (12, 10, 8 reps)

For the hanging knee raises, I add an additional second hold for the 10 and 8 rep sets if I find them easier to perform.

You see, it's about how you control your intensity to get results. Be smart, avoid information overload and start belonging to the crowd you always dreamed of being a part of.

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